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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Another Wind Event

Wild wind clouds
Weather conditions were worse this morning than yesterday, and it was as cold as all get out then.  Willow and I followed our regular route stopping only briefly a few times.  We saw nobody else out and about in our section of northern Chihuahuan Desert, and that wasn't much of a surprise; most people have better sense than we do.  By the way it's raining right now (2:25 PM).
This & next:  yucca west of LDR-A

This & next:  yuccas and the cloudy mountains

Picacho Peak and surroundings

This & next:  statuesque Soaptree Yucca

Willow sees something

Willow in the left branch

The left branch arroyo

Lying down, but alert

A bit of sun

View west

This & next:  way up in the right branch arroyo

Tortugas and the cloudy Organs

Faxon Yuccas and the mountains


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like the photo A Bit of Sun.

Ravens or Crows?

This & next 4:  Ravens or Crows? Dr. K, Willow and I cut our hike short by half this morning.  The wind made the cold temperature feel m...