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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Bad Willow

Pale moon
Willow was very bad this morning.  While we were taking a break at our favorite yucca she suddenly jumped up, whined briefly and then chased a dog that had come up silently to our position.  Worst part of the whole situation:  Willow completely ignored me when I signaled for her to come back.  She pursued the other dog for over a hundred yards before listening to my commands to return.  The other dog--who seemed very friendly--may have belonged to a search and rescue party out practicing their craft.
Dustless view of the Organs this morning

Devil's Claw removed from my left boot

Long view of Tortugas Mountain

Closer view of Tortugas Mountain

Bad dog

Uprooted ocotillo

Yucca at front just budding

View of Willow just before she chased another dog

Lithe yucca

Two people climbing the road to the mountaintop


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I'm glad you got the Devil's Claw out of your boot, and I wish Willow had behaved better.

Tiny Buds

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