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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Antes del Viento

View of Tortugas and the Organs from LDR-A arroyo
Sunny with little wind when Dr. K, Willow and I set off on our morning hike.  We saw the Two-White-Dogs-Lady bushwhacking in the desert north of us, but spotted nobody else.  We did our regular route today, and managed to get home before the big wind arrived.
To the southwest

Name the dome-shaped objects

Interesting cloud(s)

This & next:  Willow on break

Interesting clouds over Picacho "Peak"

Last 3:  Desert Cardinal near home


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Lovely images of the Desert Cardinal. My favorite is the last image you posted.

Antes del Viento

View of Tortugas and the Organs from LDR-A arroyo Sunny with little wind when Dr. K, Willow and I set off on our morning hike.  We saw the T...