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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Vistas and Critters

Research Associate Becca and I went on a hike this morning near Tortugas Mountain. We had quite a bit of rain last night, so parts of the desert were actually muddy. Some places had already dried, but you could see where the water coursed, taking the path of least resistence.
The vistas were spectacular due to the clouds that still lingered over the mountains.
Quite a few critters were out and about, including this millipede.
This particular critter found some shade where she could relax and enjoy her tongue sandwich.


Dr. K said...

What did Research Associate Becca think of the milipede?

I love the way the desert smells after it rains.

Violet said...

A true Italian would serve a nice Chianti and a bowl of fresh tomato basil sauce along with the tongue "sangwich".

Another Swainson's Hawk Bushwhack

1st 2:  pair of Swainson's Hawks We did a long hike this morning, bushwhacking out of the left branch arroyo over toward 4210 hill where...