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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Far Side of Tortugas

We got an earlier start this morning, but the day began with a heavy overcast.  It made for some interesting light on the far side of the mountain.  We saw one other hiker at a great distance when we were ending our hike.  That's the nice thing about going around the mountain from the Monte Vista side--there are even fewer people out there on a weekday morning. Not surprisingly, Becca really enjoyed being in the outback.  If I didn't keep telling her "Leave it," she'd smell every bush along the way.  Dogs.


Dr. K said...

That first photo is especially good.

Tonia said...

Very different today, Rob. I like these ones. One of these days I'll get around to updating my blog!

Scott said...

I agree, Dr. K--the first image is really nice. It almost looks lunar, since the color is not apparent in the gloom.

HD is for Hump Day

A little less dust in the air Dr. K, Willow and I did a hike this morning in reasonably warm weather conditions; apparently the wind is taki...