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Monday, January 16, 2012

Rainy Start

Low-hanging clouds over the Chihuahuan Desert
Becca and I got sprinkled on twice during the morning hike, but it could have been a lot worse.  Just look at those threatening skies.  Because of the high humidity it felt unseasonably warm out on the trail, and I was a tad overdressed.  Becca stuck to her usual fur coat.  We ran into Jimmy on the way back to the car and when I told him about my mother's recent death he expressed his condolences.  He has an elderly mother in assisted living/hospice care.  When we talked about the brutality of old age, I told him of an Italian saying:  "La vecchia e bruta." (Old age is ugly.)
Blog star Becca Cardashihound

Clouds vs. blue sky

Road to the mountains

Western flank of Tortugas (Tortoise) Mountain

Clouds descending on the Organ Mountains

Shadow and light

Ominous sky

A bleak-looking landscape

Rainbow over Las Cruces, New Mexico


Scott said...

I especially like image number 4, Road to the mountains. Nice lighting!

Dr. K said...

Beautiful photos, and I especially like the rainbow.

HD is for Hump Day

A little less dust in the air Dr. K, Willow and I did a hike this morning in reasonably warm weather conditions; apparently the wind is taki...