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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve Hike

Striking for the sun
Several good things about this morning's hike:  even though it was cold (29 F), there was far less wind than yesterday; and on the way back to the car Becca and I ran into Jimmy, with whom we chatted for at least fifteen minutes before Gregg came along.  We all shot the breeze for a few minutes more before Becca and I had to mosey along.  Both Jimmy and Gregg were headed for the mountaintop, but via different routes.  Gregg was taking the road up, and Jimmy was hiking a steep western trail to the crest.
Warmth at last

Sunny but cold

Behind Tortugas

The road less traveled

West of the Tortoise

Filled with hot air

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

A balloon ride sounds like a good way to spend Christmas Eve.

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