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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Tuesday Toddling

We didn't go very far this morning, but we took our time getting there.  Met up with JC on the way back and did a lot of jabbering with him.  We like to talk about college basketball because we're both Wildcats fans; he roots for Kentucky and I pull for Arizona.  I'm also a fan of the University of Texas-El Paso, where I taught for years.  Later in the morning I took the Jeep, gassed it up, then went shopping at Target and Albertsons--two of my favorite hangouts.

That's Becca's "I see a Jackrabbit" stare

Contrails to-or-from El Paso

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Just in case people don't realize this yet: Packrat hates to go shopping.

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