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Saturday, December 6, 2014

Windy, Not Breezy

Cottontail bedded down in our backyard
The morning-show meteorologist said that the weather would be breezy with occasional gusts today.  Well, about midway through our hike the breeze became downright windy (see video below).  Despite the annoying wind Becca and I had a good trek.  We ran into JC at the trailhead and talked with him for a few minutes.
Becca hears trucks climbing the mountain road

Becca spots a mountain biker

Hauling wooden pallets up Tortugas Mountain for the December pilgrimage


To the right of the observatory is the Tortugas Pueblo altar

The peak called Picacho, which is Spanish for "peak" (4959 feet)

Tortugas and the Organs from the west
Closing in on the mountains

Yuccas against the sky

Closer still

Cars in the Sunset Parking lot



Love 'Yuccas against the sky'. Very atmospheric.

Dr. K said...

The sound in the video almost makes me feel the wind.

packrat said...

Thanks, Jacqui. Hope you are well.


packrat said...

I wish I'd just heard it rather than felt it, Dr. K.


Not a Frigid Friday

Break #1 37F when Dr. K, Willow and I started our hike this morning; felt like 31F with a 7 mph wind.  As we started down LDR-A we spotted T...