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Saturday, August 20, 2016

Sprinkled and Drizzled Upon

Getting nectar from a Cholla flower
As soon as Becca and I started hiking west of Tortugas Mountain this morning it started sprinkling.  The rainfall amount was insignificant until we started in on the final leg of our trek when the drizzle became persistent, so much so that I had to put my camera in the rainproof cover built into the camera case.  I did have to remove the camera for a few final photos, but after each time I covered the case again.  Neither of us got soaked, but Becca was wet enough to require drying off with a thick towel when we got home.
What is the sound of one wing flapping?


About a mile in

In the high foothills once again

Organ Mountains under cloud cover

Quite a heavy overcast


I'm guessing it's the Centennial High School football sqaud

Barrel Cactus

Becca the explorer

Long stretch of desert between here and the Organ Mountains

Old Soaptree Yucca flower stalk and seed pods

Road back to Tortugas

Same vista sans road

Tortugas and the Organs

Very tall Ocotillo (15' perhaps)

Sun trying to break through

Doña Ana Mountains behind Centennial High School

Northwest flank of Tortugas Mountain

Picacho Peak in sunlight

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Nice hummingbird photos. It's hard to get good photos of these birds in action since they're so small and quick.

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