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Monday, April 16, 2018

Dirty Dog

What's going on here?
Becca and I got a fairly early start on our morning trek today, logging three to four miles on a jaunt into the outback west of Tortugas Mountain.  The only notable wildlife was a pair of Turkey Vultures (Cathartes aura) sailing the sky above us near the end of our hike.  Before that we ran into our buddy Jimmy, and he and I gabbed for quite a while.   Becca waited patiently, lying down on the road in my shadow, and in the process managed to get about as dusty as I've ever seen her.  When we got home I had to brush her before taking a wet cloth to wipe off all the dirt residue.  New rule:  Becca doesn't get to lie down on the dirt road west of the mountain.
Down to the lower desert

Down in the valley

Ocotillo flower arrangement

Slightly different view

Looking up at a tall Ocotillo

Slightly inside the same Ocotillo

Sticking my arm in for an upward shot

Dog in arroyo

A look down the arroyo

Three views of yuccas and Ocotillos


Just about there

Ocotillo buds and desert sun

Ocotillo buds along the trail

Ocotillo flowers

Ocotillo flower and yucca blossoms

Backlit Hedgehog

Stopping before heading back up the mountain

We saw a couple Turkey Vultures sailing aloft

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like the photos where you're looking up on the inside of the ocotillo. These photos are a nice way to start the week.

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