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Thursday, February 14, 2019

Cloudy, but Warm

Soaptree Yucca
It was 47F when Becca and I got an early start on our morning trek west of Tortugas Mountain, and the temperature probably climbed into the mid-50s while we were out there.  Even though there was no sunshine, the cloud-cover blanket and absence of wind kept it from feeling cold; in fact, it didn't even seem chilly.  We trekked along the trail across the mountain's western flank and into the high foothills where we waved hello to a man hiking with a dog and two women with a loose, but well-behaved, hound; the latter never approached us.  Surprisingly there weren't too many outdoor enthusiasts around the mountain, and only four or five vehicles in the Sunset Area parking lot when we returned to the trailhead.
On a ridge west of Tortugas Mountain

Becca enjoying her morning hike

Devil's Head in B&W

Trail along the western flank

Yuccas on the slope

Rocks and pebbles

This and the next 2:  flank trail

Cloud-covered sun between two yucca arms

Flank trail again

Across the Mesilla Valley

Gap between the Organ Mts., left  (New Mexico) & the Franklin Mts. (Texas)

This and the next:  Franklin Mountains near El Paso, Texas


Prickly Pear pads turning purple

Prickly Pear and Ocotillos

Looking down on the flank trail

Northeast side is the fastest growing in Las Cruces

Atticus and House Finch atop a yucca

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really like the photos of the Franklin mountains and the cloud cover.

Me and Willie McGee

1st 2:  ocotillos and clouds Dr. K had an appointment this morning so it was Willow and me on the daily trek.  Rather than descending along ...