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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

More Wind, Less Smoke

Just starting out
It was definitely less smoky out there this morning, due, in large part, to the gusty winds we had overnight and the somewhat brisk breeze this morning.  Sure was nice to see clearer skies over the Organ Mountains.

We did our normal trek up to Second Arroyo, popped in for a shade and water break, a few photos, and then it was on our way back to the waiting CR-V.

We saw nobody out in the desert while we were hiking, although there was plenty of traffic on Tellbrook.  By the number of large dump trucks heading out Sonoma Ranch I'd say there's a good chance somebody is having construction done in Tierra Escondida.
Frio and Willow


This and the next 3:  Soaptree Yucca stalk skeletons

Half woman/half yucca



Heelers and Dr. K

Twinleaf Senna

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like the different photos of the yucca stalk skeletons.

Saturday with Wils

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