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Friday, June 5, 2020

Back to an Arroyo

Small Soaptree Yucca along the way
Even though we're headed for a high of 105F today it was a tad cooler this morning, so Dr. K, Frio, Willow and I decided to do a longer hike than yesterday.  So we trekked up LDR to the second arroyo we've been exploring of late, pulled in and found a shady spot to rest and hydrate.

I took a few photos there, including several of a Verdin, one of North America's smallest songbirds.  Our Verdin wasn't singing much, but was flitting from branch to branch on a Soaptree Yucca flower stalk feasting, apparently, on numerous insects.

We started back after a brief respite, avoiding the oppressive heat due to an intermittent breeze that kept us from roasting; nevertheless, it felt great to get into Whitey the CR-V and crank the air conditioner up for the short ride home.
This and the next:  Verdin (Auriparus flaviceps) in a Soaptree Yucca

Verdin is one of the smallest North American songbirds

This and the next:  Willow and Frio

One of our two new favorite arroyos

I believe this is Huisache, aka "Sweet Acacia"

Old Soaptree Yucca seed pods

This and the next:  old Soaptree Yucca flower stalks

I believe this is Whitethorn Acacia rather than Sweet Acacia

Sweet Acacia has two thorns at the base of each leaf

No thorns

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Interesting photos of the two different kinds of acacia.

Saturday with Wils

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