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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

A Grand View Again

Clouds over the Sacramentos
Half an inch of rain last night made for a humid hike on the Grand View Trail for Dr. K, Willow and me this morning.  It was sunny, but a light breeze kept conditions bearable.

Although a blue GMC Sierra pickup was parked at the trailhead lot we saw nobody during our trek.  The truck was still there when we finished up.

We had a good time during our outing, and I was able to get some fairly good photos along the way.

This & next:  view from our property

This & next:  Ash-throated Flycatcher

Different view of our cabin

Grand View Trail (computer enhanced)

Grand view from the Grand View

Variegated Fritillary

Sotols, one with a new stalk

This & next:  Sotol with new stalk

Another view from the Grand View

Bewick's Wren

From the Grand View Trail

Rails-to-Trails ramada

This & next:  White Sands NP at the horizon

Great view from the Grand View Trail


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Great photos from the Grand View trail, Packrat. My favorite is the last image you posted.

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