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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Funny Fotos

We did an extra-long hike on the sunset side of Tortugas Mountain this morning, and I took a series of what I consider to be humorous photos. Here's one of them, a photographer's shadow with a prickly pear pad where the head is.

This twist in an ocotillo branch is an unusual phenomenon.

There's nothing particularly funny in this vista; it's just beautiful.

The yucca in this photo is only three feet tall; the man and dog are miniatures.

These are not Christmas tree ornaments, but really tiny birds with yellow bellies; they could be Western Flycatchers, but I'm not sure.

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Actually, that yucca is about 12 feet tall--the tallest I've ever seen.

Saturday with Wils

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