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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Visitors in Hubbell Canyon

Mark and Becca along the Hubbell Canyon Trail
We had a fabulous visit from my cousin, Carol (who I hadn't seen in forty years), and her husband, Mark.  We did a lot of high-altitude hiking in the beautiful Sacramento Mountains.  Here we all are on the Hubbell Canyon Trail, where Carol made the big spot of the day:  a Mexican Spotted Owl, who was content to sit and watch us fawning over it.  After our long trek we drove to the solar observatory at Sunspot and toured the facilities on the western escarpment of the mountain.

Something good is up there

Carol's big find:  a rare Mexican Spotted Owl

Dense stand of young Aspens

Four happy campers at Sunspot, New Mexico:  Mark, Carol, Kate and Bob

Pine pollen

Walk proudly my son


Dr. K said...

What a treat to see the Mexican spotted owl. A great hike with great people!

Scott said...

Great images, Packrat, but let's keep this blog rated PG, huh!

Spotted Along the Way

Early morning sky Dr. K, Willow and I did another hike in the forest behind the cabin this morning.  The weather, while warm, was variable; ...