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Thursday, March 2, 2017

Bum Forecast

Becca on the high foothills trail
Our local meteorologist got the temperature right this morning (31 degrees Fahrenheit), but not the wind.  The prediction was for light breezes, not the brisk wind Becca and I encountered on our trek west of Tortugas Mountain.  Fortunately I dressed appropriately for the conditions:  long trousers, long-sleeve shirt, lightweight vest and windbreaker.  I removed no article of apparel during the hike because it remained cold throughout.  Of course, as I've pointed out before, Becca is always good with her bicolor coat, which she wears on all occasions.
In the upper foothills west of Tortugas Mountain

Soaptree and Torrey Yuccas west of the mountain

Torrey Yucca on the edge of a deep gully

Sparsely-populated section of Chihuahuan Desert

Hedgehog Cactus and a small Barrel Cactus

Andy Gibb and the BeeGees


A huge Hedgehog Cactus

My boot is size 11

Skeleton of a dead Prickly Pear pad

My favorite yucca

Slightly different perspective

Prickly Pear pad the size of a dinner plate

Shall I have a lie-down or not?

This Soaptree Yucca is 20' tall with stalk

Bushwhacking Becca

Finding oneself in a thorny situation

Pencil Cholla with old fruit

Power to nowhere:  lineman school

Prickly Pear, Torrey Yucca, Soaptree Yucca and Ocotillos

Mormon Tea budding beside an old Ocotillo

Mormon Tea buds

Close look at Mormon Tea buds

Closer still

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

The photo of the skeleton of the prickly pear pad reminded me of a roadmap of intersecting streets.

New Bird

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