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Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Return of the Chill

Early start in the western foothills of Tortugas Mountain
It rained a little overnight, so it felt warm and humid when Becca and I set off for Tortugas Mountain this morning.  Then the wind picked up, the sky cleared, and the temperature dropped by about ten degrees.  It has become progressively colder all day, and now, in the early afternoon it's raining lightly again, the wind is even stronger, and it feels downright cold outside.  Nutty weather. 
Orangish-reds and yellows

Philosophical hare

Range Ratany

Interrupted during breakfast

Wild hare

Ocotillo buds

Black-tailed Jackrabbit on the move

Two hares are better than one

Ocotillos flowers

Closeup of Ocotillo flowers

White Tackstem opening for business

Tortugas and the Organs

Old Ocotillo

Loggerhead Shrike

Yucca far west of Tortugas

Closeup of the flowers

Trailing Four O'Clock


Claret Cups on a hill

Claret Cup flower and bud

Claret Cups and buds

Northwest of Tortugas and the Organ Mountains

Cactus Wren in a yucca

White yucca flowers

Creosote Bush flowering

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Very nice photos, Packrat. The first photo of the jackrabbit made me laugh--he or she looks like Alfred Hitchcock.

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