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Tuesday, March 14, 2017

More Claret Cups

Getting a very early start west of Tortugas Mountain
When the Claret Cup Hedgehog Cacti begin blooming at this time of year you just have to photograph them; they make such a striking contrast:  bright red flowers against a dun desert.  Today I took three or four photos of the same individual, which was not yet in blossom when we passed it yesterday.  Expect to see more images of them as greater numbers come to life and give color to this section of the northern Chihuahuan Desert.
Just past full

Centennial High School and the Doña Ana Mountains

Best hiker pal

Arizona Jewel Flowers (Mormon Tea budding in background)

Cutting the mustard (Bicolor Fanmustard, that is)

Lonely blooming yucca

How to lie down in an arroyo

Lots of Loggerhead Shrikes were out this morning

Here's looking at you, kid

Low rider

Flowers of Canaigre Dock (aka "Wild Rhubarb)

Three views of the same Claret Cup

Claret Cup Hedgehog Cactus

A little closer look

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I look forward to seeing more beautiful claret cup cacti this week, Packrat. No one photographs them better than you.

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