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Monday, March 27, 2017

Missing the Wind

Exploring an arroyo
The Beckster and I took an extended hike into the outback west of Tortugas Mountain this morning.  I was proud of myself for keeping the number of photos taken to well under 100; in fact, I took only 61.  When I write "missing" the wind in the blog title I mean that we were able to avoid unpleasant wind because we got such an early start.  El viento is supposed to pick up later this afternoon and get pretty bad by tomorrow.  It's to be expected this time of year, but it sure can get brutal.
Heading west down an arroyo

Jet barely missing yucca

Mesquite trees greening out

Long dirt road across the desert

Damnedest thing I've ever found in the middle of nowhere:  nut protector

Climbing into the hills west of the mountains

Ocotillos and the Organ Mountains

Desert Marigold

Ocotillo, Tortugas Mountain and the Organs

Claret Cups

Barrels, Prickly Pears and Hedgehogs

We've come across this rock design before

Not sure what it's meant to represent.  Peace sign?

Not at all spooked by our presence

Not Mr. Black-tailed Jackrabbit's best side

Small mesquite tree

Where to find shade in the desert

White Tackstem

Dried Wild Rhubarb flowers

Pimiento hatchery?

It's a tall one

Yuccas still flowering

Same yuccas

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like all of these photos, especially the one of the dried wild rhubarb flowers. The blossoms seem so delicate.

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