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Saturday, March 4, 2017

Major-League Bushwhacking

An early start west of Tortugas Mountain
Yesterday, when we were almost done with our hike, Becca began limping badly after spinning madly while greeting JC and Olivia.  Dr. K and I took her to the vet in the early afternoon and the Beckster was diagnosed with a sprained leg.  She's on Rimadyl and rest (out of commission for 5 to 7 days).  So I did a solo trek west of the mountain this morning, and did some serious bushwhacking into areas I'd be reluctant to take Becca.  The weather was beautiful; we're heading for a high of 72F.  I enjoyed my hike, but 75% of the fun was missing because of my absent dog.
Again with the Jewel Flowers

Yuccas in sunlight

Steep northwestern slope of the mountain

Claret Cup Cactus budding out

White-winged Doves are the most skittish birds I've encountered

Closeup of the White-winged Dove's mascara

High-altitude cactus garden

Dimorphocarpa wislizenii (mustard family)

Best buds

Far west of the mountain

Yucca lattice-work

Barrel Cactus, Torrey Yucca, Ocotillos and distant Torrey Yucca

Black-tailed Jackrabbit getting ready to rabbit

Huge Hedgehog Cactus

Large trunk toppled, twin heads are now growing on the ground

Typical Chihuahuan Desert scene

Narrow arroyo west of the mountain

No wisecracks about Dolly Parton

Further away from Tortugas

Why is nobody eating this luscious Barrel Cactus fruit?

Man amidst yuccas

Black-throated Sparrow

Black-throated Sparrow from rear

Heading back for the mountain

Another budding Hedgehog

Cactus Wren ruffled by the wind

Becca in our backyard

Chihuahuan Desert living

Must be nice to have your own observatory

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

It's nice to see such close-up photos of the doves. Becca spent the whole time you were hiking waiting for you by the door.

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