Becca hurried ahead to find shade |
There she is |
Scaled Quail, Callipepla squamata, on the move |
Desert Willow (Chilopsis linearis) |
Desert Willow is not a true willow |
Desert Willow |
Our local waterhole |
Becca hurried ahead to find shade |
There she is |
Scaled Quail, Callipepla squamata, on the move |
Desert Willow (Chilopsis linearis) |
Desert Willow is not a true willow |
Desert Willow |
Our local waterhole |
Healthy green Ocotillo |
Becca behind a yucca |
Long view across the desert |
Another long view |
There's a road through here |
Long way to go |
Better take a break |
Cane Cholla fruit (Barrel Cactus in background) |
Sun splashing over the mountain |
Surveying the way ahead |
Between here and the Organ Mountains |
Ocotillos have been green for quite a while |
Soaptree Yucca fruit |
One of Becca's favorite shade spots |
Mesquite beans make really tasty flour |
This and the next four: immature female Great-tailed Grackle |
In the upper foothills |
Down but not out |
The long view |
There's a Pyrrhuloxia hiding in that Creosote Bush |
Cane Cholla (Cyldropuntia imbricata) |
Cane Cholla |
West side of Tortugas Mountain |
Happy to climb to higher ground |
After a big circuit, heading back toward the mountain |
Under the sea |
A couple of twenty-foot tall Ocotillos |
Ash-throated Flycatcher |
Trail to the sky |
Does this look comfortable? |
Three prickly brothers |
A hot dog enjoying herself |
What's up ahead? |
Black-throated Sparrow |
Same Black-throated Sparrow |
Becca on the upper foothills trail |
We saw one Ocotillo flower this morning |
Four-dove Ocotillo |
Looking this way . . . |
. . . and that |
Pickle tree |
Need some ripening |
Yucca blooming on 4210 hill A persistent cool breeze made the 52F temperature feel a bit chillier this morning while Dr. K, Willow and I did...