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Friday, June 2, 2017


Black-throated Sparrow
I am not a birder per se, but I do love to see and photograph birds.  There were plenty out and about when Becca and I did our hike this morning.  Black-throated Sparrows always crack me up with their comical songs.  And I was excited to see the male and female Bronzed Cowbirds who were in close company (for mating purposes no doubt).  I'm always delighted to encounter hummingbirds, especially when they're imbibing the nectar of Parry's Agave.  The Scaled Quail I can never get enough of; they are not as skittish as their cousin the Gambel's Quail.  And I never grow tired of the beauty and the beautiful song of Scott's Oriole.  All in all a good bird outing today.
♪  "I'm a bluebird . . ." ♪

Slaloming along the trail

Bronzed Cowbird, Molothrus aeneus (female)

Bronzed Cowbird (male)

Bronzed Cowbird (female)

Bronzed Cowbird (male)

Leaning towers of Parry's Agave

Parry's Agave

Becca in the high foothills

Look who also loves Parry's Agave

Black-chinned Hummingbird and Parry's Agave

A sip of nectar

Parry's Agaves

Honeybee and Hummer

This and the next five:  Scaled Quail

Tasajillo flower bud

Tasajillo beginning to bloom

Gauzy clouds

Explorations on Mars

Cactus Wren nest in a yucca

Scott's Oriole (young male)

Same young male Scott's Oriole

Same young male

This and the next three:  Scott's Oriole (adult male)

Flank of Tortugas and the Organ Mountains

Small Ocotillo beginning to leaf out

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Amazing photos today, Packrat (and Becca). I especially like the ones of the scaled quail because I don't usually get to see these quail very often.

Thursday with Willow

This & next:  morning sky, opposite directions Dr. K is in Tucson to attend the book festival with her sisters so Willow and I were on o...