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Friday, June 16, 2017

Blazing Hot

Early morning Sacramento Mountains
Despite the heat wave we're suffering through right now--even here in the mountains--we decided to hike the Grand View Trail.  It was hot, but not horrendous because we got a really early start.  By the end of our trek, however, we were glad to be heading out of there.  The weather forecast for the High Rolls/Mountain Park area today is a high of 90F, which is well above normal for this time of year at this elevation--about 7,000 feet.  It's supposed to be even hotter tomorrow so we'll probably do a hike in the Cloudcroft region.
Web on one of our Juniper trees

Dr. K with Champ

Cowboy staring at Becca

Cowboy coming up the driveway

Dr. K petting Cowboy whilte Champ lies on Dr. K's slipper

Becca distracted by something in the forest

A good look at Cowboy's different-colored eyes (ignore Becca)

Mormon Tea, Pinyon Pines and mountains

Heading down the Grand View Trail

A couple of new Sotol stalks going up

I'm #1

What you'd rather not see flying above while hiking:  Turkey Vulture

Break in the shadow of the midway ramada

Hot day in the mountains

Buffalo Gourd (Cucurbita foetidissima)

Buffalo Gourd

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

A typical mid-June day--hot and lazy. Ice cream, anyone?

Thursday with Willow

This & next:  morning sky, opposite directions Dr. K is in Tucson to attend the book festival with her sisters so Willow and I were on o...