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Monday, June 19, 2017

Why the "Osha"?

What early morning looked like at our place
The Osha plant (aka "Wild Bear Root") Ligusticum poteri grows in moist, organically rich soils at elevations between 9,000 and 10,000 and is abundant along the wet side of the mountain along the Osha Trail.  We chose to do the Osha again because it's a 15-minute drive from our place in High Rolls, and it's one of our favorite hikes in the high country near Cloudcroft; additionally, on a Monday, it's generally uncrowded.  This morning, for instance, we ran into one mountain biker and two hikers--a man and a woman--who were just starting out when we were finishing up.
Dr. K with Cowboy and Champ in our driveway

Cowboy (front) and Champ

Trestle over Mexican Canyon

Where am I?

Pleasant morning in the high country

The trail goes this way

Prickly Rose (Rosa Acicularis)

Another B&W experiment

The view from 9,000 feet

This way around the mountain

What's up there?

Indian Paintbrush

Becca on the Osha

Dry brush experiment

Watercolor experiment

Where the Aspens soar

Trees along the Osha Trail

Meadow Hawksbeard?

Bee in a Prickly Rose

Yellow Salisfy (Tragopogon Dubius)

Artsy on the underside

I suppose this could be a Pearl Crescent

I'm getting tired of trying to ID New Mexico butterflies

Same butterfly

I'm confused

Large meadow next to the Osha Trail

Blue Vervain (Verbena Hastata)

Can't ID this bird yet

Heading down

Early afternoon at our place (something's blowing in)

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I don't remember ever seeing the yellow satisfy flower before--it's very striking and unusual. Great photos, Packrat.

Thursday with Willow

This & next:  morning sky, opposite directions Dr. K is in Tucson to attend the book festival with her sisters so Willow and I were on o...