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Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Century Mark

This and the next four:  Roadrunner (Geococcyx californianus) on our fence
It was hot and humid this morning when Becca and I hit the trail west of Tortugas Mountain.  Fortunately I had to cut the hike a little short in order to go shopping at Target and Albertsons.  Yesterday we hit 100 degrees, and we may well equal that mark today.  Local meteorologists are saying we have a decent chance of rain this afternoon.  I always say if it's going to be this humid it might as well rain, but then we have to suffer through even muggier days afterward.  Oh well, what do I expect; it's monsoon season in the Desert Southwest.

In the upper foothills of Tortugas Mountain

Anybody else around?

The Parry's Agave I've monitored for months has finally toppled

It probably fell because of last night's strong winds

B&W and blue experiment

Ocotillo flower

Looks more like a pimiento olive plant

Bishop Cap on the horizon

Hint of a flank
Soaptree Yucca fruit

Distant rugged mountains

Shade break with day pack

Enjoying the respite

This big old Ocotillo has finally leafed out

Saw this Chihuahuan Raven alone again (or so I thought)

I'm relived because I hadn't seen them together for weeks

Climbing Milkweed (Funastrum cynanchoides)


Dr. K said...

Remarkable photographs of the roadrunner. She? He? seems to have to much personality.

Dr. K said...

Oops--I made a mistake on my previous comment. It should have read "so much personality."

Thursday with Willow

This & next:  morning sky, opposite directions Dr. K is in Tucson to attend the book festival with her sisters so Willow and I were on o...