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Monday, July 3, 2017

Back in the Saddle

Taking an early breather
After yesterday's minor surgery Becca was eager to get out into the desert this morning, but she was peppy for only about a third of the hike.  The rest of the way she was rather sluggish, in part due to the heat, I'm sure, but partly because of yesterday's traumatic experience.  Becca does not like to go to the vet, especially to the emergency vet on a Sunday morning.  Her appetite is good, though, and she's doing her business regularly, so we think she'll make a rapid recovery.  Took her "lump" to our vet later this morning to be sent off for analysis.
Desert sky

I see a cloud that looks like a dove taking flight

Dried Ocotillo flower

Ocotillo sans dog

Ocotillo with dog

We took an especially long break here

Happy to be back at it

Beautiful vista west of Tortugas Mountain

Interesting clouds this morning

A sandy section of northern Chihuahuan Desert

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I'm glad Becca took lots of breaks as she gets her energy back. Good to see your photos of her.

Extra Long

Willow leading the way Dr. K had to drive all the way to El Paso for an appointment this morning so it was Willow and me on the daily trek. ...