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Sunday, July 16, 2017

Soledad Canyon Trek

Heading into Soledad Canyon in Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks NM
There were already four vehicles in the parking lot at Soledad Canyon when Dr. K, Becca and I rolled in at 7:42 a.m., but we didn't run into any other hikers until we were on our way out.  It was terribly humid this morning owing to the copious amount of rain we got yesterday, but about midway through our trek some clouds rolled in to obscure the sun and a cool wind made its presence known, much to our delight.  It ended up being a quite refreshing hike on this Sunday morning in southern New Mexico.
Glorious weather, but oh so humid

Soledad and Bar Canyons got as much rain as we did yesterday

Heading up the Bar Canyon Loop Trail, Chimney Rock dead ahead

Sotol (Dasylirion wheeleri)

Dr. K and Becca

Looking back at the way we just came

Bending into the mountains

Climbing out of a narrow, deep arroyo

A good place to build a home

Short pause on a steep climb

Becca and me

Sotol and Chimney Rock

Long-distance view of Chimney Rock

Another steep climb

Short respite at the top

I call this formation "Casita Grande" after the big one in Big Bend NP

Another view of the "Little Big House"

And yet another

I was hoping for sun to light up this tree, but no luck

Almost at the far end of the loop, Baldy Peak in background

A look into Soledad Canyon

Heading out of the canyon

Artsy view of the canyon

Exiting to the left

Dr. K tripping the light fantastic (actually Becca is pulling her off the trail)

So long to Soledad Canyon

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

The clouds were moving fast over the mountains this morning. A beautiful time and place to take a hike.

Wednesday's Walkabout

Tortugas and the Organs It wasn't as cold as it was yesterday morning, but it felt pretty chilly when Dr. K, Willow and I did the daily ...