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Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Short, Hot, Crowded Hike

Photobombed by a UFO
Becca and I were out on the trail fairly early this morning to beat the heat and humidity; we were, in part, successful.  Nevertheless, I shortened our hike a bit so we wouldn't overheat.  Lots of shade and water breaks again today served us well.  I continue to be totally surprised at how many people are using the Tortugas Mountain trail system this summer; it's easily way more than the numbers who have used it in the past.  I've even been thinking lately about trying to find a less crowded area to do our morning treks.
This way to the low desert

A look at Tortugas's flank from a different perspective

Who's that on the Ocotillo wand?

Why it's Ms. White-winged Dove (Zenaida asiatica)

Where the mountains appear to intersect

Break in the shadow of an Ocotillo

Doña Ana Mountains

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

We have a white-winged dove nesting in one of our mesquite trees. She's been there for a while, so we're wondering when we might see some baby doves.

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