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Thursday, July 13, 2017

Felis Concolor?

Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) on Yucca fruit
We bumped into a woman hiking with her German Shepherd this morning, and she asked if I'd seen the sign posted warning about a mountain lion that had been sighted on the western end of the Tortugas Mountain Trails area.  I had not seen the sign because Becca and I always start at the north entrance.  The woman said the sign was handwritten, so it's hard to know how valid the sighting was.  Since we have an abundance of bobcats in the area it is possible that somebody mistook a bobcat for a cougar.  But a few days ago a mountain lion was captured in the backyard of a home in Horizon City, part of the east side of El Paso; and we know that mountain lions do inhabit this area, especially the Organ Mountains.  Here's a link to the story about the cougar in El Paso.
Way to the sky

Break #1

Sitting down on the job


Dead yucca or mostly buried Bactrian Camel?

Tip of an Ocotillo

Same Ocotillo tip

Popcorn clouds

A particularly gnarly section of the desert

Getting into a really long break

Hard to photograph jackrabbits in the brambles

The best I could do considering the circumstances

Roadrunner on our lattice

Not a rubber chicken

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I think we have a couple of roadrunners living on our property, probably a male and a female. We're happy to have them.

Dr. K was Cold

It was cooler this morning with a gusty wind; due to the weather conditions we hiked more quickly along our regular route. When we got back ...