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Tuesday, July 11, 2017

FIve Dog Day

🎶 Ave Maria . . . 🎶
About a quarter mile into our trek we met a woman hiker and her dog, Molly, a very young Beagle.  After a quarter mile more we bumped into a guy and his dog Thor, a 1 1/2-year-old Husky.  Thor was so strong his male owner could hardly hold him away from Becca.  After we climbed into the high foothills, dropped into the lower desert and took a break in the shade of a large Ocotillo, three dogs galloping ahead of two men running behind came over to greet Becca--a Chocolate Lab, a Black Lab and a Lab mix.  They were all friendly, as were their male companions.  Becca seemed pleased that on a short hike she got to meet five different dogs.
Down the single-track

Is that Jughead's profile silhouette at right?

Chihuahuan Desert landscape

Happy dog

Happy dog taking a breather

Looking through Ocotillos (Fouquieria splendens)

Crissal Thrasher

Crissal Thrasher (Toxostoma crissale)

Same Crissal Thrasher

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

That thrasher looks like it's posing for you. Nice photos.

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