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Sunday, March 15, 2020

A Sunday Morning Trek

Weather at start
Dr. K, Li'l Wil, Frio and I did essentially the same hike as yesterday, but extended it a bit further this Sunday morning.  We had something of a nightmarish encounter with an overly talkative woman whose Giant Schnauzer (a breed we'd never heard of before) was extremely well behaved even though Frio and Li'l Wil were barking their heads off at it.  The woman kept talking to us (to me, really) while the Heelers were highly agitated.  Dr. K and I both thought, at first, that it might be a good exercise in desensitizing our hounds, but the interaction lasted too long.

Despite the aggravation the four of us enjoyed our morning outing, exploring the same major arroyo we'd hiked through yesterday.  Desert arroyos are almost always interesting places to explore, and we took our time hiking east along this one.

On the final leg of our trek we were passed by both a mountain biker and a runner, the latter saying to us, "Beautiful dogs!"  I thanked him, grateful that both Heelers were really well behaved for the final two encounters of the day.
Organ Mountains

Outer Loop road around Tortugas Mountain

Things are greening up


Torrey Yucca

Bed of clouds in the Organ Mountains


This and the next:  Mockingbird

It's going to be a green spring in the Chihuahuan Desert

Break out the Clearasil

This and the next:  Li'l Wil, Dr. K and Frio

Soaptree Yucca (front) and a Torrey Yucca

Loggerhead Shrike

This and the next 2:  male Gambel's Quail

Exploring a wide arroyo


Look at the size of that Little-leaf Sumac behind us

Cloud bookmarking the Organs

Weather at finish

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Beautiful photos of the birds we saw this morning. I especially like the ones of the quail.

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