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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Dirt Road Across the Desert

The long dirt road
Dr. K wasn't quite up to snuff this morning and had work to do so I took the Heelers on a hike by myself.  We went out Tellbrook and pulled off the road before getting to the common parking area at the sharp right turn.  We followed a dirt road for a short distance and found a place to pull over.

Then Willow, Frio and I struck north on the long dirt road across the desert southwest of Tortugas Mountain.  We ran into no one--just the way we like it--and enjoyed a long trek on a beautiful morning in the northern Chihuahuan Desert.

When we reached the spot where Becca and I used to climb into the hills west of the mountain the Heelers and I did the same, stopping midway to take a few photos; well, I took photos and they sniffed the ground.  Then we continued forward until we intersected the southernmost outer loop road where we turned west and hiked to the intersection with the long dirt road.  From there we turned south and made our way back to Whitey the CR-V.  It was a long and worthwhile trek that both Heelers and I enjoyed very much.
Huge Ocotillo

Looking northwest across the desert floor

On the road again

This and the next:  Tortugas Mountain (left) and the Organ Mountains

Looking back at the way we just came

Into the hills west of Tortugas

Gnarly old Ocotillo

Our CR-V just to the right of the arrow

Our CR-V

Our two favorite Heelers

One-legged Gambel's Quail

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

NIce photos, Packrat. I especially like the one you captioned "On the Road Again." Willy Nelson would be proud.

Not a Frigid Friday

Break #1 37F when Dr. K, Willow and I started our hike this morning; felt like 31F with a 7 mph wind.  As we started down LDR-A we spotted T...