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Friday, May 22, 2020

A Little Breeze, Please

This and the next:  loaded with birds right before I snapped the pic
Back at it again this morning with Dr. K, Willow and Frio.  We did our now normal trek up the long dirt road to the furthest "new" arroyo, explored the arroyo for a while, drank water, took photographs and then headed back.

Crossed paths with the archer on our way up the steep incline to our waiting CR-V.  He was just driving down in his large white Ford SUV.  He stopped and powered down his passenger window to greet us and to say he'd been waiting longer to start out so we'd have a chance to be finished with our hike when we arrived.  He said, "You got a late start this morning."  We laughed and agreed while parting company.

Then we piled into our waiting Honda for the five-minute trip home.

This and the next:  further up the long dirt road

Into the further "new" arroyo

Soaptree Yucca flower skewered by its own stiletto leaf


New Soaptree Yucca stalk, new flowers

This and the next:  on a ridge west of Tortugas Mountain

Dr. K and the Heelers

Frio and Willow

What's in his pocket?

Treat anyone?

Soaptree Yucca and an observatory

Tortugas and the Organs

This and the next 2:  Dr. K and the Heelers

This and the next:  flower stalks against blue sky

Mexican Palo Verde Tree (Parkinsonia aculeata) in our neighborhood

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Those are very nice photos of you, Frio, and Willow.

Not a Frigid Friday

Break #1 37F when Dr. K, Willow and I started our hike this morning; felt like 31F with a 7 mph wind.  As we started down LDR-A we spotted T...