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Thursday, July 2, 2020

Arroyo or Bust

Rolling desert
Although it was cloudy and overcast when we started on our trek this morning the humidity was high, so much so that when the sun came out a while later conditions felt pretty awful.  Both Frio and Willow were seeking shade wherever possible.

We ducked into Second Arroyo and spent quite a bit of time parked in our favorite shady spot getting hydrated and resting.  Then, white Dr. K minded the Heelers, I set off to take a few photos.

From our vantage point in the arroyo we saw a woman jogger come and go on the long dirt road, but she never saw us.  She was the only other outdoor enthusiast in our section of the northern Chihuahuan Desert today.
This and the next:  same Ocotillos



Long view of the mountains

This and the next 3:  same Swainson's Hawk

This and the next 3:  good cloud cover over the Organ Mountains

This and the next 2:  Desert Zinnia

This and the next:  Tortugas (left) and the Organ Mountains

Frio and Willow on break in Second Arroyo

Spent Soaptree Yucca seed pods

Looking northeasterly up Second Arroyo

There's a Cactus Wren on one stalk of this Soaptree Yucca

Further up Second Arroyo

What to do when you have no life

Mesquite beans

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I love those desert zinnias. Beautiful photos today, Packrat.


Tortugas and the Organs from LDR-A arroyo It felt like spring out there this morning when Dr. K, Willow and I did the daily trek. Prickly an...