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Saturday, July 18, 2020

Caldo con Umidità

We had to cut our morning trek short today because it simply felt too hot and humid out there:  81F, 41% humidity with no breeze.  That might not seem excessive to folks living in more hot and humid climes, but for desert dwellers it's a really bad start to the day.  We're slated for 101F this afternoon with a decent chance of rain; the rain would be most welcome.

We didn't bump into anybody during our hike, but we did see some vehicles parked at the corner of Tellbrook and Sonoma Ranch when we got back to the CR-V.  Always nice to see there are other outdoor enthusiasts as nutty as us enjoying the desert heat.

Nothing like a short ride back home in an air conditioned vehicle to put things in perspective, though.
Ripening pears

Dr. K with two Heelers, one visible


Morning clouds


Long way across the desert

A very long dirt road

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

You always take such cute photos of the heelers.

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