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Thursday, September 30, 2021

Abbreviated Journey

This & next:  Organ Mountains from the upper flatland
Willow, Frio and I hiked down LDR-A, turned left in the Tellbrook Arroyo and made another left turn up LDR.  About a fourth of the way from the crest a large white SUV started down, and I could see it was filled with dogs--a literal pack.  There were two humans in the front.

I was only able to get a few feet off the road with the Heelers, and the driver sped up so as to get past us as soon as possible.  He seemed friendly enough, but all canines--including mine--went ballistic.  All dogs kept barking and snarling long after the vehicle had passed.

The SUV stopped in the Tellbrook Arroyo, and I felt fortunate to be at the top of the road; no telling what kind of interaction would have occurred if we had encountered the loose pack in the arroyo.

This & next:  sun breaking over a ridge

Tortugas and the Organs

Hills west of the Organ Mountains

Southwest side of Tortugas Mountain

Frio and Willow on LDR

LDR looking north

Fruit of the Devil's Claw

This & next:  same view of the Organ Mountains

Last 2:  on LDR looking north


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

These are such beautiful photos. I especially like the first two, of the sunlight coming through the clouds.

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