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Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Century Mark?

One Ocotillo has no leaves, the other is browning out
62F when we set off this morning, but the desert sun was already beating down on us as we explored the desert to the northeast of Tellbrook Arroyo.  According to different weather apps we're either going to hit 97F or 99F today.  Too hot for mid-September.

Other than a fleeting glimpse of two jackrabbits we saw no one out in our section of northern Chihuahuan Desert; there weren't even any vehicles parked in the Tellbrook/Sonoma Ranch lot.

The worst part of today's trek was the bad air.  Last night Doppler Dave--meteorologist at KVIA in El Paso--said there'd be unhealthy widespread haze, though he didn't say why.  I guess it could come from wildfires in the West.

The forecast was for widespread haze, aka "bad air"

This & the next 3:  Hairy False Goldenaster and friends

Southwest of Tortugas

Soaptree Yuccas at the side of an arroyo

Thought that was a trail; instead it's a small swale

Willow and Frio in an unnamed arroyo

Bouquets hanging on


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like that first photo with the 2 different Ocotillos.

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