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Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Again on the Grand View

At the lower trailhead
Willow, Frio, Dr. K and I did the Grand View Trail again this morning, hiking nearly all of it today.  We ran into one other hiker--an older gentleman--near the midway ramada.

The weather was perfect:  50F and sunny without wind; there was, however, a cool, gentle breeze that felt great once our body temps had risen from exertion.

Heelers were happy, and much better behaved than yesterday; perhaps they felt a bit jaded at having to do the same trek a second day in a row.

Our high country backyard

Dead tree along the way

This & next:  Nolina microcarpa (aka "Beargrass") w/fruit

The spectacular Grand View Trail

James' Buckwheat (Eriogonum jamesii)

Lots of yellow flowers in the mountains

New Mexico Rails-to-Trails' gem:  the Grand View

Through the cut

Headed back

This & the next:  Four-wing Saltbush

Willow and Frio with Dr. K's legs


Townsend's Solitaire

The rest are camera photos from the Grand View Trail


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like the photos that show the trail ahead of us. Such a beautiful morning!

Nest Building

Spot the blooming Faxon Yucca Another morning hike sans wind, a phenomenon very much appreciated by Dr. K, Willow and me.  Best part of toda...