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Thursday, September 16, 2021

Back to the Usual

Back to a normal hike this morning because nobody was shooting down in the Tellbrook Arroyo; in fact, we saw no one on our hike, unless you count the two jackrabbits we kicked up, the ones that got the Heelers' motors running.

We trekked up to Second Arroyo, popped inside for a water break, and then headed back.

Still hot out there.  We're headed for a high of 95F; much too high for this time of year.

This & the next:  Organ Mountains


Inside Second Arroyo


This & the next 2:  Organ Mountains

Last 3:  bird on Ocotillo


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I can see that the desert is starting to brown out, but it still looks beautiful.

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