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Monday, September 27, 2021

But Whenever Monday Comes . . .

First 2:  along the upper flatland road
Willow, Frio and I started off from our normal parking spot near Tellbrook Drive this morning, hiking up to First Arroyo and back on what has become a daily slog.  Today's conditions were made even worse due to recent rains which have turned the talcum-powder sand into heavy wet dirt.

I took a combination series of photos using both my Canon PowerShot and my Samsung Galaxy S10+ phone.  I have, as of yet, not inspected the phone photos.

We saw no one out there today, not even jackrabbits or other ground-dwelling critters; but we did see quite a few House Finches and sparrows in the trees.

This & next:  same juvenile Black-throated Sparrow

This & next 2:  Frio and Willow on break in First Arroyo

View southwest down First Arroyo

The rest:  House Finches in a Mesquite Tree

Find the fifth


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like that first photo of the Black-throated Sparrow. Beautiful.

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