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Friday, February 10, 2023

Frigid Start

Morning moon
26F with a slight breeze when we set off this morning.  Good thing the sun was shining brightly.

Dr. K, Willow, Frio and I had a good hike today, following our usual route.  We saw a few other outdoor enthusiasts at great distances from us; one woman was hiking with a white dog, but there was no chance of encountering them.

Although we all enjoyed our daily trek we were more than happy to pile back into the CR-V at outing's end.

This & next 2:  Organ Mountains

Frio and Willow leading the way

This & next:  same yucca, different angle

Faxon Yucca at the edge of the right branch arroyo

This & next 3:  Willow and Frio

Artsy tree and moon


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like your artsy tree and moon image.

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