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Sunday, June 11, 2023

Altered Route

P tree
As soon as Willow, Frio and I started down LDR-A this morning I spotted somebody coming our way from the other direction.  We detoured up and over the steep hill to the east and descended into Right Branch Arroyo.  Never saw the person again after that maneuver.

We descended the right branch all the way to the intersection with the left, and then we followed the left down to the Tellbrook Arroyo, where we turned around.  Ascended the left branch to the crossover trail to the middle branch, followed the middle down to the junction with the right.

After a brief pause in the shadow of a large Torrey Yucca we continued up to a shady area in the right branch where we took quite a long respite from the trek.  After that it was up and out over the steep hill to the west.

Blackfoot Daisies and Acacias in Right Branch Arroyo

The "O"s

This & next:  looking north in the right branch

Holy Ghost yucca

Pac-Man Prickly Pear and late-blooming Soaptree Yucca

Artsy yucca flower stalks

Yucca flower stalks

This & next:  Willow and Frio

Ocotillo far up the right branch


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Such cute photos of Frio and Willow. They love to lie in the shade of the large Yucca.

Nest Building

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