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Friday, January 3, 2025

A Different Route

Route just north of the Tellbrook Arroyo
Dr. K, Willow and I headed down LDR-A arroyo this morning, pretty much planning to do our regular hike; but when we started toward the Organ Mountains on the east/west cross trail, we decided to ford the Tellbrook Arroyo and head north across the desert.

We explored side arroyos, climbed a hill for a good view of the Organs to the east and then continued toward the northwest before turning around.  We considered trekking all the way to First Arroyo, but decided against it.

The weather was beautiful for the daily trek:  sun shining through a cloudless sky, no wind.  It made for a very pleasant outing.

Willow on early break

Organ Mountains

Tortugas and the Organs

Willow leading the way again

Heading northwest

Hedgehog Cactus

Yuccas from here to the ridge

This & next:  Soaptree Yucca, Torrey Yuccas and ocotillos

Torrey Yucca and ocotillos

A large Soaptree Yucca

How many barrel cacti?

Soaptree Yucca and the long view


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

There are 4 Barrel cacti in that photo.

Nest Building

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