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Monday, January 20, 2025

Not So Bad Hike

Desert scene
When Dr. K, Willow and I left the house this morning weather conditions were bad:  windy and cold.  We expected the wind to be blowing hard when we got out into the desert for our daily hike.  Not so.

The sun was shining brightly, and a slight breeze only picked up once in a long while.  So conditions were much better than we expected.

What was not good, though, was the air quality; a thick haze--almost like smoke--had settled over the area.  Bad day for photography.

Willow on break in the left branch arroyo


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

That's a cute photo of Willow.

Minor Wind

Winter landscape The wind wasn't nearly as bad as it got yesterday, but the weather conditions were not ideal this morning; nevertheless...