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Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Frigid Out There

Looking southeast from LDR-A arroyo
Dr. K stayed back this morning because she felt under the weather; and what weather we are having.  29F at start of trek, slight breeze, and almost no sun.  Outdoor apparel for me:  long-sleeve shirt, hiking trousers, vest, PolarPlus jacket, lined, hooded anorak, earband, hat, gloves--and still I felt cold.

Willow and I did the usual route, but made only one pit stop at the ancient Soaptree Yucca.  We saw no other nature enthusiasts in our region of northern Chihuahuan Desert, and not surprisingly so.  It felt great to climb back into Whitey the CR-V after our outing.

Organ Mountains

Aren't you going to finish your meal?

Willow kind of leading the way

Ancient Soaptree in B&W

In the cross trail between left and middle branches


Heading down the middle branch

Sitting down in the middle branch

Crown on fire

Way up in the right branch arroyo

The best the sun could do on our morning hike


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like "Crown on Fire."

Minor Wind

Winter landscape The wind wasn't nearly as bad as it got yesterday, but the weather conditions were not ideal this morning; nevertheless...