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Saturday, January 18, 2025

Balloon Fest

All balloons are from the Mesilla Valley Balloon Rally
Warmer this morning when Dr. K, Willow and I took our daily hike; but it's supposed to drop to 22F tonight.  Brr.

We all saw Two-White-Dogs-Lady and her poodles while we were far up in the left branch arroyo taking a break.  They were the only terrestrial nature enthusiast we saw out there.

We did see a lot of airborne nature enthusiasts thanks to the Mesilla Valley Balloon Rally that's made a return to our area after a fourteen year absence.

Soaptree Yuccas and the mountains

Long view of the mountains

This & next:  Willow spots two white Standard Poodles

The Alfred Hitchcock of birds (old Curved Bill)

Wils at rest

Dr. K and Willow


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Nice photos of the balloons flying over the Mesilla Valley.

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