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Friday, February 17, 2012

Change of Weather

Ready to rock and roll
It rained on and off all during the night, and conditions looked very iffy this morning; we weren't sure we could squeeze in a hike.  But we were lucky.  The weather cooperated as Becca and I did a very long hike in the cool desert air.  We even ended up bushwhacking again even though we hadn't planned on it.  However, after a rain the desert has a unique fragrance all of its own, and we wanted to get intimate with it.
Military chopper

Soaptree Yuccas

Cloudy Organ Mountains

Wonder dog

Taking the long view

Mule Deer scat

Clouds clearing over the Organs


Scott said...

Image 6 (with Becca in the foreground and the Organs in the back) is really nice!

Dr. K said...

Not kind of beautiful, Packrat--very beautiful.

Clouds on the Mountains

Cloudy Organs Pretty chilly for our morning hike today, but Dr. K, Willow and I were well prepared.  The wind at home was stronger than out ...