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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Saturday Outing

Becca pausing on the foothills trail
Rather chilly this morning after a cold front blew through last night.  Adding to the chill:  milky sunlight filtered through a light overcast.  Fortunately, it wasn't windy.  It's the weekend, so quite a few hikers, bikers, joggers were out on the mountain today.

A milky sky above the Franklin Mountains

Getting a little impatient with the photographer

Don't know why, but I took a shot through my sunglasses' lens


Dr. K said...

That last shot is eerie.

Scott said...

The last shot IS eerie. Sorta post-apocalyptic.

And, I did check out your link to Council Rock near Youngstown. It looks like a glacial erratic to me, and the lightning strike story, while dramatic, seems highly unlikely. It looks more like a freeze-and-thaw crack. But, that's what legends are for, huh?

Where I grew up, just outside Cleveland, there was a similar glacial erratic in one of the MetroParks. Local high school seniors would give it an annual painting. The rock is probably twice actual size now from the hundreds of coats of paint over the years.

I stopped at my library over the weekend and checked out two books on "best retirement places." Las Cruces rates very highly in both. I just don't know about the summers, though.

packrat said...

Funny story about the rock near where you grew up, Scott.

Having lived in both Tempe (elevation about 1140) and Tucson (elevation 2389), I can tell you that the summers in Las Cruces (elevation 3908 [4400 ft. where we live) are infinitely more bearable than in the lower Sonoran Desert.

Not a Frigid Friday

Break #1 37F when Dr. K, Willow and I started our hike this morning; felt like 31F with a 7 mph wind.  As we started down LDR-A we spotted T...